Adult Social Care and Prevention

Adult Social Care and Prevention (ASC&P) brings together our prevention service, social work, internally delivered care services, and our allied support functions.

What we do

The directorate employs approximately 770 people, representing 670 FTEs. Our structure is lean, making efficient use of the skills we have across all roles and encouraging distributed leadership at all levels.

All our teams work together to ensure adults in the city are safe, supported, and can live a fulfilling independent life, while preventing, reducing, and delaying need.

Through our focus on building people’s assets, we work closely with partners to look at a person in their whole context. Where we can, we seek to prevent need by
listening to what the person wants and providing proactive responses like information and advice and linking them into community-based groups.

Where people already have needs that they require support with, we seek to help them regain independence and control through services such as Reablement, Welfare
Rights, our short-term learning disability and mental health service at Allendale Court.

Our vision and values

Our vision is to be a healthy, caring city for all. To achieve this, we want to support people to live the lives they want to live by fostering thriving communities, promoting
independence, prioritising wellbeing, and keeping people safe from harm.

We are doing this by embedding ABCD principles throughout all our work, from the way we support people, through to how we design and commission services, and
how we work with local communities and the VCS.

 Our priorities

Our priorities to deliver our vision are based on 4 areas:


  • Our new Front Door: working with people and their families to provide a responsive proactive service that establishes the strengths and assets of the person, their networks and their communities to ensure that they can regain as much independence as possible and are enabled to live the life they want to live.

  • Neighbourhood Social Work teams: building on the strength of our neighbourhoods, and the strengths that people have in their own lives. We will have much more person-centred and flexible conversations with people who may benefit from care or support. Some social work

    teams will be based in localities to enhance neighbourhood focussed services.

  • Build on our Working Together approach: what people tell us about their care and support is crucial to delivering support that is truly person-centred and empowering. We have co-designed a ‘Working Together Plan’ with local people who have told us how they want us to hear their voice through the work we do.

  • Revolutionise how we use digital: advancements in digital technology and artificial intelligence have created huge potential to change how people experience and interact with adult social care. We are developing a Digital Strategy to unlock this potential to promote choice,

    control and independence for people who use services and their carers, and to empower the social care workforce with more efficient tools and data-driven insights which inform practice.